Title: SmartSense for the HomeSite editor
Author: Mattias Johansson mattias[at]verodella.se
version 0.9, 2006-01-17

SmartSense for the HomeSite


Verodella SmartSense is an intellisense add-in for Homesite. It still has some minor bugs but I've been using it for some years now so I guess you can live with them too. One of the bugs is that it sometimes jumps to the row above when you insert an item. If you come up with a solution for that please let me know.

SmartSense mainly has support for CSS and javascript. I use it a lot for CSS. The thing is that you can add support for any language you want by adding new language definition files in the langDef folder.

What language definition file to use is defined in the extensionDef.xml and patternDef.xml file. How all that works is beyond the scope of this read me file. So do your own digging ;)

There are language definition files for ASP and VBS as well but they are kind of unfinished. If you want to finish them you're welcome.

SmartSense is free to use. But you may not sell it without my permission. Yada yada... I thing you know what I mean ;)

If you do any changes, improvement or bug fixes please let me know so I can include them.
e-mail: mattias[at]verodella.se


How to install

  1. Unzip all files and folders in the UserDate folder in the HomeSite directory.
  2. In HomeSite go to Options -> Customize.
  3. Click on the Script Shortcut tab.
  4. Press Add.
  5. Browse to and click on the smartSens.js file in the directory mentioned above.
  6. Add a keyboard shortcut to the script. I use Ctrl+Enter, this overrides new line <br>, but who uses that?
  7. I've got reports about that you might need to install ScriptX to get it working. You'll find that here: www.meadroid.com/scriptx/sxdownload.asp

That's it.

Now you're ready to use SmartSense.


Let's see what SmartSense can do for you.

Open a new HTML file in HomeSite and add a style tag like this.

Now press your keyboard shortcuts to open SmartSense and it should look something like this:

Now use the arrow keys, the mouse or Home- and End buttons to select what item you want to insert. You can even navigate to the desired item by typing the initial letters of an items name.
Press enter to insert item or Esc to exit.

Enter bo+enter to insert the style border. Then open SmartSense again.

Now you get a suggestion of different borders to insert. You can add more in the style.xml file if you want. Search for <display>border:</display>.

Now insert whatever style you want.

If you have a CSS file with lots of hex colors and classes defined in it. Open it in HomeSite for the next demonstration.

Now insert the style color: and open SmartSense again.

Now you get a list of all used colors from all opened HTML and CSS files.

Now let's create a div tag somewhere in the HTML file. Enter the class=”” attribute, place the marker between the ”” and open SmartSense.

Now you get a list of all defined classes.

SmartSense works even with inline styles like this:


Now write a javascript tag in your HTML file and open SmartSense.

Then it should look something like this. You can even access your own functions at the end of the list.

If you define a variable you can “type” them by the way you name them. Name all strings variables with _s at the end of its name, like url_s. Enter a dot and open SmartSense again and you should get this.

You can also use _a for Arrays and _d for Dates. Smartsense will also recognise Math.

That's about it.

Mattias Johansson, Gothenburg Sweden 2005

